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1. Wyrażenie Zgody.

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Oferta pracy

Senior React Native Developer

Bydgoszcz, kujawsko-pomorskie, Polska Dodano: 2024-05-29 | ID oferty: 2192754

Numer referencyjny: 92519

We are looking for a motivated Senior React Native Developer to join our client team. Our client's project involves creating innovative mobile platforms that support educational advancements, from interactive learning applications to platforms for tracking progress and engaging in educational adventures. As a member of our client's team, you will address emerging issues and deliver robust, well-tested code that meets the highest standards.Our client is a rapidly growing educational company that has been offering a wide range of online courses since 2011, supporting the development of skills essential in today's digital world. They provide innovative educational solutions, such as learning to type quickly on a keyboard, developing vocabulary and spelling, education in digital citizenship, and social-emotional learning.


  • Minimum 5 years of commercial experience in mobile development.
  • Extensive experience with React Native and related mobile development tools.
  • Proficiency in JavaScript and TypeScript, with practical knowledge of testing frameworks such as Jest and Detox.
  • Skilled in modern mobile UI/UX techniques and patterns.
  • Proven experience in developing complex mobile applications with a strong portfolio of projects that demonstrate technical skills and creativity.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills, with the ability to tackle challenges and deliver innovative solutions.
  • Strong understanding of mobile app accessibility requirements and a commitment to creating inclusive, user-friendly applications.
  • Effective communicator with fluency in English, capable of collaborating within a team setting.
  • Positive, team-oriented attitude with a willingness to share knowledge and learn from others.

Additional advantages:

  • Experience with other mobile development platforms and tools.
  • Familiarity with backend technologies and API integrations.

We offer:

  • Salary in U.S. dollars up to 30 USD/hour, equivalent to 5040 USD/month (the amount in PLN is approximate and depends on the USD exchange rate).
  • B2B contract with an American company.
  • Remote work with autonomy.
  • Cooperation with an international team in the United States and Poland.
  • Development opportunities within the learning platform.
  • Flexible working hours.


  • Develop and maintain various mobile platforms, focusing on user interaction and educational content delivery.
  • Collaborate with the team to enhance existing features and develop new functionalities aimed at improving user engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Debug and troubleshoot to resolve issues promptly, ensuring stability and performance improvements.
  • Deliver high-quality, well-tested code that upholds accessibility and mobile app standards.
  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of the development and production processes.
  • Ensure responsive design and optimal performance across different devices.

We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications.

TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.

Kontakt w sprawie rekrutacji:

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowana(y) ofertą pracy skontaktuj się z nami na poniższe dane. Przesyłając do nas swoje CV prosimy zawrzeć klauzule o zgodzie na przetwarzanie danych w celu rekrutacji.

TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.
Źródło oferty

Skontaktuj się z firmą:

TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.

Bydgoszcz kujawsko-pomorskie

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